Ms. Alvey's Extreme Classroom Makeover » About


Jenny Alvey

Welcome to Mrs. Alvey’s Extreme Classroom Makeover Blog!!
One Promethean ACTIVboard and projector, one Promethean ACTIVslate to control the board from anywhere in the room, 32 Promethean ACTIVExpression student response clickers, 25 iPod Touches complete with an iPod mobile lab charging unit, six Apple computers, one MacBook laptop, two MacAirport routers, one Ken A Vision document camera, one Canon PowerShot digital camera, one brand new teacher desk with chair, 476 feet of Herman Miller work surface countertop, eight student stools, seven 36-inch cabinets, six 42-inch round tables, two 48-inch storage cabinets, AND a science-themed mural stretching across more than two thirds of the classroom…oh my!

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