To officially celebrate the exciting honor of being selected as the ORAU grand prize winner we had a celebratory breakfast.  My brother, Brian Burns, who helped us so much with our video drove down from Virginia to join in the festivities.  We presented Brian with thank you cards, and an official ORAU T-Shirt!  I have some great parents this year, and they also happen to be very good cooks! 

With any great film, there are bloopers…and ours were funny!  We were laughing so hard a teacher from two doors down heard us, and came to make sure we were ok.  Although, I have to say the kids did such a good job and they took the filming so seriously, there were not as many bloopers as I thought there would be.

In addition to breakfast, we watched the surprise announcement and of course, our Imagine video.  We also discussed what a privilege it was to make this video, and what a wonderful legacy these students are leaving for future students.  The kids in my class have come to the realization that although they will not have the technology in their room next year, they got to be the stars of the film, which is something that is unique to only their class.  I am very proud of their positive attitudes!

My current students are going to get a chance to come in my room over the summer and I am going to train them on how to use the technology.  Then, at the beginning of the school year, they are going to come in from 6th grade to help me train my new 5th grade students.  This way they too get to use the technology, so it is a win-win!

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