I have spent the summer researching best practices for implementing technology into the classroom as well as apps, textbooks, and various Web 2.0 applications.  It can be a bit overwhelming, there is so much out there!  However, I think that I have narrowed the field to what seem to be the best rated, most effective, and most user friendly.  I will post more about these as I start implementing the products.  I think the students in my class are really going to benefit from, and enjoy what is in store for them this year!  

My students from last year…AKA the stars of the video, have been dubbed the “technology tutors” and are coming in next week to start training on all of the new technology.  The technology tutors are going to be training the new 5th students in my team.  It should be a lot of fun!  I am excited to see my kids from last year.  I have already seen 2 of them and they seem to have grown a foot over the summer!  

I have been continuously receiving shipments of my new technology and classroom additions, and with each box that is opened I get even more excited!


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