A computer that fits in your hand. Who wouldn’t love this? Most of the students in my class last year had these amazing tools and they did love them. With the option of internet or apps, the educational uses are endless. Because my room is now wireless, students will be able to use the iPod Touches anywhere the wireless connection takes them. The students will be using the iPod Touches to work on apps. Most of the apps I have download were free and include topics from every subject. Here is a list of some of the apps I plan on using: Pop Math Lite (free), Brain Thaw Lite (free), Comic Touch Lite (free), Word Press (free), RSS Reader (free), Google Maps (free),  and Brain Quest Fifth Grade (.99). The students will also be using the app iBooks to read in our novel study class. My goal for these incredible tools is to teach the students how to continue their learning outside the classroom. Because most of the students will have the iPod Touch, I hope to teach them to use it educationally and not just for entertainment in their spare time.