
School Story Book Trailer

Take a look at the students’ book trailers on the book School Story by Andrew Clement.

Here is the boys’ video:

school story from Jordan Haney on Vimeo.

Bridge to Terabithia Book Trailers

The students finished their novel studies on Bridge to Terabithia. Take a look at their book trailer they made using iMove.

Here is the girls’ movie:

Bridge Girls from Jordan Haney on Vimeo.

Here is the boys’ movie:

New Project from Jordan Haney on Vimeo.

World Math Day Warm-up

One of my favorite activities all year is just around the corner. World Math Day 2011 starts on Monday!! To help get motivated to beat last year’s scores, the students made their own movie with a sweet montage. If you are feeling like you just can’t do it, take a look at the video below.

Having trouble viewing it click here.

World Math Day from Jordan Haney on Vimeo.

Writing with the World

The students just recently finished writing stories with other students from Kansas and Turkey. The students were partnered up with 5th graders from across the country and the world. Their objective was to write a story about being caught in a snow storm. The students had to write back and forth until the story was completed. After the story was finished, the students pasted their finished stories into a wordle. The wordle gave the students an idea of what words they were overusing. Take a look at an example below. You can see the other wordles and stories on the writing wiki or on the students’ blogs.

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Tennessee Tech Kids 7

Take a listen to the newest episode of Tennessee Tech Kids featuring Heather on Stack the States, Marya on SAT Coach, and Wyatt on Story Bird.

Tennessee Tech Kids 7

Biased and Unbiased

This week in math we finished up biased and unbiased. Some of the students made videos for their math wikis. Take a look.

Lauren Carissa Biased from Jordan Haney on Vimeo.

Virginia and Sammy from Jordan Haney on Vimeo.

Tennessee Tech Kids 6

Podcast Cover

Take a listen to this week’s math podcast featuring Josh talking about the app Motion Math, Julia on the DS game Brain Quest, and Caroline discussing the website Carrot Sticks.

Tennessee Tech Kids 6 – Josh (Motion Math), Julia (Brain Quest), and Caroline (Carrot Sticks)

Story Bird

The students enjoyed using the interactive website Story Bird this past week. The website allows you to use other people’s illustrations to create your own story. There are plenty of themes to choose from. In each theme, there are several illustrations to help create your book. If you really like the book, you can buy it or embed it for free. Take a look at Olivia’s book Where’s Bob?

WHERE’S BOB????? by oliviarhes on Storybird

Graphing Temperature

The students got hands-on with our atmosphere lesson this week. Their assignment was to find the average temperatures of an inland city and a coastal city. After gathering their research on the iPod Touch, they had to input the data in a double line graph. The project illustrates the affect oceans have on temperature. The students not only sharpened their science skills during this lesson but also their math. You can see their results by going to their science wiki. The link is under the wiki section on the side bar.

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Tennessee Tech Kids Episode 5

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Take a listen to Tennessee Tech Kids episode 5 featuring some special guest from my math class. Carissa, Elise, and Will give insight on an educational math app, game, and website. Enjoy by clicking here.

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