Coupon Kick-off

Coupon books are here. At Rocky Hill, we try to get the students pumped up to sell the books by having a big kick-off. Take a look at the video my students recorded from the event by going to my class blog.

Back Channeling and the Civil War

Everyone likes to talk during a movie. At the same time, no one likes to watch a movie while someone is talking. To solve the problem, the students watched a Civil War movie from United Streaming while “talking” in a chat on the iPad. The students were able to watch and interact with the movie without disrupting the rest of the class. To help monitor the center, I had a parent volunteer, Mrs. Draper, make sure the students stayed on topic and keep it school appropriate. Even though there were some flaws, the students enjoyed chatting during the movie rather than sitting and staring.

The app I used was Chat Lite. This is a free app and only allows a certain number of letters. It also will randomly kick you out of the chat. This center would of worked great if I could find a dependable back channel to use. If you have any ideas please leave a comment. It would be greatly appreciated.

Learning with the World pt. 2

If you haven’t checked out EPALS, your students are missing a world of learning. I started using EPALS last year, and my students enjoyed getting to know students from places like France and Slovenia. This year the students have emailed students in Germany and Kansas. We have a couple of other schools but we are waiting for their school year to start. If you are looking for an educational tie in to account for the time, you could use it for letter writing, research projects, interview skills, history lessons, culture building, and much more. I am looking forward to my students collaborating with the Germany students when we get into the World Wars later on this year. I highly recommend taking the time to check out EPALS. It is definitely worth the investment and the children will love it, guaranteed.

Technology Buddies

On Friday, our technology buddies from Mr. Murray’s second grade class paid us a visit. During our time, the 5th grade students showed the second graders some of the apps on the iPads and iPod Touches. Next, we had a class competition on Pop Math. A great math app where students have to pop a matching answer to a problem. Example, a balloon has the equation 4 + 5 on it and the students have to find the matching 9 numbered balloon. When they make a match, it pops both balloons. You win by popping all the balloons on the screen and you move to the next level. To finish the lesson, the students created their own martians and gave them names. It was a great way to end a great week. My students are already looking forward to next Friday’s meeting.

Learning with the World

Last week, we received our letters and videos from our friends from the Philippines. It was an amazing experience watching my students read letters from students who live on the opposite side of the world. The students enjoyed finding similarities between them and the students from the Philippines. After reading the letters, we made a video, wrote letters back, and looked up their school on Google Earth. I remember doing pen pals with schools from the next county and I thought it was the coolest thing. Now with the help of technology, students can meet and see where other students live thousands of miles away.

Our Video

Philippines Video

Back to School

With the help of the new technology, my first day with my students went fantastic. I have never had students so excited about being in my class. I asked the class if any of them had trouble getting to sleep last night due to excitement and almost ever student raised their hand. Even though today was the first day, I am just as excited about tomorrow when the students will start going through the new routine with the added in technology. For example, on tomorrow’s schedule we are reading on the iPad, taking a Mr. Haney quiz with the iPod Touches, naming our fish, creating our novel study wikis, and using a virtual cell app to help with our science vocabulary just to name a few and this is only the first day! I am so thankful for ORAU’s gracious donation, and if the rest of the year is anything like today, it is going to be a year to remember!

The Big Reveal

Yesterday was one of the greatest days I have ever experienced not only in my teaching career but my life. The day would not have been as great without the help of ORAU’s fantastic staff, my wonderful family, and the gracious Rocky Hill volunteers. Even though most of the day is a blur, I am going to try to give an account for the memorable day.

Here is a list of my favorite moments of the day:

– From the start of the day, everyone was working hard to help make the reveal special. It reminded me of my wedding. People asking if I needed anything or if they could do something for me. People were constantly moving all around to set up decorations and stations.

– Right after everything had been set up, we had a a couple of minutes before the volunteers were going to arrive. During those minutes, I got to experience a great calmness. It was a moment I had been waiting and preparing for.  It was really nice to look around and everything was done!

– Right before the students yelled move that bus, I was frantically trying to get the oovoo (skype) to connect with my teacher friend from France, Mrs. Calard.  It was going to be the main kick-off, and it was not working. But as soon as I heard the students yell, “MOVE THAT BUS!” I realized it didn’t matter and the students would still enjoy the day. A couple of minutes later it started to work and everything went fine.

– Seeing the students’ faces as the ran in was priceless. I spent the majority of my summer either working in my room or thinking about the makeover so it was really nice to finally see the kids’ reactions.

– One of my favorite moments was just walking around the room and watching the students interact with all the different technology. I have been second guessing my decision with splitting the hardware into different types, and have been wondering if I should have gone with just all laptops. But, it all changed when I watched them play with the iPad. There is just something about it that lures people to it.

– I really enjoyed watching Dr. McIntyre and Mr. Smith playing with the students. Both men are extremely busy, and it was nice to see them relax for a moment and interact with some of the stations.

– Family! My family has been very supportive through this whole process. Espically my wife. I can not count the number of hours she has spent listening to me talk about school. She is always there to listen and give advice. She is my rock, and I was glad she was there to lean on during the day. My mother also cried about 20 times during the day.

– The TV interviews were a blast. I was extremely nervous but I enjoyed pretending to be important. When I watched the interviews later that night, it was very surreal to think that was actually me.

– It was bittersweet. I was really happy for the students to have that moment. They worked really hard and they are the ones who won that money. I was glad they got to use it for a couple of hours but it was bittersweet because it would be their last. I got to be their teacher for one more lesson and that meant the world to me.

I will be forever grateful for ORAU for giving me this day. They have already made so many of my dreams come true and the  school year doesn’t even start until next week. After yesterday, I am even more excited about this year and what we are going to do because of the gracious giving of company who truly cares about their community.


iPod Touches in the Classroom

A computer that fits in your hand. Who wouldn’t love this? Most of the students in my class last year had these amazing tools and they did love them. With the option of internet or apps, the educational uses are endless. Because my room is now wireless, students will be able to use the iPod Touches anywhere the wireless connection takes them. The students will be using the iPod Touches to work on apps. Most of the apps I have download were free and include topics from every subject. Here is a list of some of the apps I plan on using: Pop Math Lite (free), Brain Thaw Lite (free), Comic Touch Lite (free), Word Press (free), RSS Reader (free), Google Maps (free),  and Brain Quest Fifth Grade (.99). The students will also be using the app iBooks to read in our novel study class. My goal for these incredible tools is to teach the students how to continue their learning outside the classroom. Because most of the students will have the iPod Touch, I hope to teach them to use it educationally and not just for entertainment in their spare time.

Using Mac Notebooks

With the addition of the Mac Airpot, the Mac Notebooks have become an irreplaceable educational machine. I can not wait to watch my students use the internet from their seats or any other place they prefer. I have been using a wireless laptop for my own personal use for years now, and it almost feels awkward to sit in the same spot every time I want to use a computer. Because of the Mac Notebooks, my students will not be confided to the “computer area” in the classroom or my classroom walls. Some of the ways I intend to use the Mac Notebooks are: blogging, wikis, educational online games, emailing epals, research, podcast, movie making, and many more. Like the iMacs, there are hundred of ways to use them but unlike the iMacs they will be able to work anywhere!

Using iMacs in the Classroom

In my opinion, the nicest looking desktop computers out there. It amazes me that these machines used to be the size of a room. Coming up with ideas for the iMac was probably the easiest of the hardwares to plan. There are endless educational websites out there including: Study Island, Carrot Sticks, Grammar Blast, and Quia. I plan on using the iMacs as a reading center during our reading block. During the reading block, students will work on reading skill by using interactive educational websites. Also, the students will be using the iMacs to blog, email their epals, podcast, create movies, prepare keynote presentations, and much more. The days of waiting in a line to use the two computers are over and I can’t wait to see what the students will create this year.

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